Plane Faith, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit designed to promote missionary aviation and support missionary pilots while making and maturing disciples in the aviation community.

Takeoff Scholarships minimize debt, which is an obstacle for many missionary pilots.
Aviation training is expensive, and the debt that is incurred during the years of training and preparation often becomes a barrier that delays, and in some cases prevents, many prospective missionaries from reaching the mission field.

Takeoff Grants provide a jump-start to the fundraising process.
Fundraising is a hurdle each missionary pilot must clear before being deployed to the mission field. Our Takeoff Grants are designed to provide a jumpstart in this process, helping new missionary pilots reach their fundraising goals more quickly.

Podcasts designed to help prospective missionary pilots affirm their calling.
The Plane Faith Podcast is a podcast about missionary aviation and the stories of missionary aviators who have taken seriously Jesus’s command to go and make disciples of all nations and are using airplanes to be his witnesses at the ends of the earth.